A-Z of Worker Help

We are currently building this section to provide links to official or otherwise reliable sources of information, help and support.

National Insurance numbers

You can find information on National Insurance numbers on the LITRG website.

National Minimum Wage / National Living Wage (NMW/NLW)

The National Minimum Wage is the minimum pay per hour almost all workers are entitled to. the National Living Wage is higher than the National Minimum Wage – workers get it if they’re over 23 years old. it does not matter how small an employer is, they still have to pay the correct minimum wage.

You can find NMW/NLW information from GOV.UK.

The latest minimum wage rates can be found on GOV.UK.

For free and confidential advice on NMW/NLW issues call the ACAS helpline.

LITRG also provide guidance to individuals on the NMW/NLW, including common problem areas such as apprentices, tips, deductions and travel time and costs.

You can make a complaint to HMRC (who enforce the NMW/NLW) about underpayment of the minimum wage.

Non-statutory deductions

These are different to statutory deductions and are generally part of your contract or other written agreement. For example this could include deductions for accommodation, DBS checks, parking fines, uniforms etc. Your employer should give you notice of the deduction so that you know it is happening. If not, you can contact ACAS for additional guidance as it may be considered an unlawful deduction from wages.

Notice periods

If you leave or lose your job, you may have to work a notice period (or be paid in lieu). A notice period is the amount of time an employee or employer has to give the other party before leaving or terminating their job.

You can find guidance on handing in your notice on GOV.UK.

You can also find a collection of guidance on GOV.UK on redundancies, dismissals and disciplinaries.

Notice periods for assignments

If you are an agency worker, your assignment may be terminated by the end client – but as you do not have any direct contractual relationship with the end client you are placed with during the assignment, even though you work for them during that period, you would not be entitled to a notice period from them.